10 Star Trek: TNG Facts You Probably Didn't Know
1. Patrick Stewart Wasn't Roddenberry's First Pick

The idea of what kind of character the new captain should be was already a debate while developing TNG. According to the documentary Chaos on the Bridge, execs thought he should be played similar to Captain Kirk. Why change a winning formula? Roddenberry wanted a distinct and new kind of captain, agreeing with writer David Gerrold that it should be an older captain.
Still, when Patrick Stewart tried out, bringing a unique feel to the new character, Roddenberry was not convinced. Gene disagreed with producer Robert Justman who thought Stewart was perfect for the role. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Stewart said, "There is somewhere in the cellars of Paramount Pictures a Post-it note which says, "I do not want to hear Patrick Stewart's name mentioned again, ever. Signed Gene Roddenberry.'"
Once he did get the part, Stewart didn't feel that Roddenberry truly embraced him as the character. He spoke of how when Roddenberry was on set he would sometimes stare at Stewart with an expression on his face as if saying "What the f*ck is this guy doing in my show?"
Despite the controversy over whether or not he should be hired, Stewart proved himself: bringing to life the iconic character and shaping Star Trek history in the process.
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