10 Star Trek: TNG Facts You Probably Didn't Know

2. Guinan Wouldn't Exist Without Whoopi Goldberg

Star Trek Next Generation Data Vulcan
CBS Media Ventures

Whoopi Goldberg was a longtime Star Trek fan. When she was nine years old she saw her first episode of Star Trek, and as she put it "I went screaming through the house," calling for her family to come see what was on TV. "There's a black lady on television and she ain't no maid." Seeing Uhura was very inspiring for the soon to be actress.

When TNG first began airing, Whoopi Goldberg was a household name. She'd recently starred in The Color Purple and won a Golden Globe. She asked LeVar Burton for help convincing Gene Roddenberry to give her a chance, but no one contacted her. When Denise Crosby who played Tasha left TNG, Goldberg thought this might mean the show would be interested in adding a new female character. So, the actress took it upon herself to reach out and see. The reason no one had contacted her was because they couldn't believe the movie star was actually interested.

Eventually, Roddenberry and Rick Berman met up with the actress, but were confused why the big name star wanted to be a part of Star Trek. She told them,"I have watched science fiction my whole life and Star Trek is the only time that I ever saw Black people in the future." Soon after Goldberg joined the cast as the bartender Guinan.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.