10 Star Trek Twists That The Actors Hated

4. Archer Let's The Valakians Die - John Billingsley

Star Trek Jadzia Dax
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Dear Doctor is one of the most controversial episodes of the first season of Enterprise. The ship encounters a world that houses two distinct species, the Valakians, and the Menk. The former is the dominant species, while the latter lives in a subservient state. Like most oppressors, the Valakians are certain that the Menk enjoy their lives, with their roles giving them meaning.

Nature then plays a cruel twist on the Valakians - they are all dying. They have reached an evolutionary dead end, and they can't find a cure for the illness on their own. Dr. Phlox, on the other hand, manages to find a cure in record time, only to be faced with a dilemma. Should he give them the cure, seeing as this will change the natural evolutionary journey of the planet?

John Billingsley was disappointed in how the episode ended. Archer makes the call not to give them the cure, though this wasn't always the case. In the early version of the script, Phlox simply kept the cure secret, making the choice himself. The network wanted the supporting cast to be there to prop Archer up, so the choice was taken from him in the script and given to the captain. Billingsley felt that this weakened the conflict that his character faced, ultimately making the episode poorer for it.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick