10 Strangest Ever Doctor Who Villains

9. Lady Cassandra O€™Brien

The second ever villain to grace Doctor Who, after the show was resurrected in 2005, Cassandra was allegedly the last human alive, appearing first in €˜The End Of The World€™. Born on Earth, Cassandra thought of herself as the last pure human being, claiming that the rest of her race were mongrels due to their having bred with alien races or modified themselves so extensively that they no longer deserved the name €˜human€™. Apparently her 708 plastic surgery operations didn€™t count as post-human modification. By the time the Earth was due to be destroyed by the expansion of its sun, some 5 billion years in the future from Rose Tyler€™s perspective, Cassandra was nothing more than a square expanse of skin stretched onto a framework covering a brain in a jar, eyes and mouth being all that was left of what could have been considered her face. That skin, taut like the head of a drum, had to be constantly moisturised by one of her attendants to prevent it drying out. Thought dead at the end of €˜The End Of The World€™ (her €˜face€™ dried out and exploded), the Machiavellian and cheerfully amoral Lady O€™Brien would make a welcome reappearance in the next season€™s premiere episode, appropriately entitled €˜New Earth€™. Sadly, we wouldn€™t get to see much of her as a drolly contemptuous wall-hanging for long, as the show allowed her disembodied form to possess Rose instead until, finally, €˜the last human€™ accepted that her time had come, and met her demise fairly gracefully.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.