10 Stupidest Decisions Made By Characters On The Walking Dead

8. The Walker In The Well

walking dead beth

The walker in the well from the second season of the show is quite memorable due to how gross and disgusting it's design was. He was one of the first 'unique' walkers to feature on the show, and presented the group with a difficult task. How do they get him out of the well so that they can start using it again?

Their idea to hoist him out with rope wasn't awful, but sending Glenn down to tie it round him was stupidly dangerous and of course it backfired, almost killing Glenn. The well walker then proceeds to spilt in half as they try to lift him out, leading to his bottom half and a majority of his insides to splash back into the well. It was all for nothing.

But the thing is, it was always for nothing.

That water was always going to be contaminated anyway, as the walker had been sloshing about down there for some time already. It just really wasn't worth all the hassle the group went through to deal with it. It did make for a good laugh for audiences, though.


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.