10 Television Shows That Hated Their Own Fanbases

6. Supergirl - Toxic Fanbase Or Queerbaiting?

Supernatural Becky
The CW

If you've dipped into the Supergirl fandom for more than ten seconds then you've heard of Supercorp. For those of you that have somehow avoided the show and its dedicated fanbase, Supercorp is a fanmade ship between main characters Kara and Lena. Kara, the powerful Kryptonian Supergirl, and Lena, her best friend and sister to supervillain Lex Luther.

At the beginning of the show, fans and the cast and crew got along swimmingly, everyone was on the same side and were all rooting for the same things. That was until Lena Luthor was introduced in season 2. Immediately fans were enraptured by the chemistry between the two actresses and the fanfiction community was changed for good.

The only problem was that Lena hadn't been introduced to become Kara's love interest. In reality, another actor had been introduced to fill that role: the Supergirl actress's now-husband Chris Wood. And while the two were getting to know each other in the romantic sense, off-screen and on, fans were campaigning for Supercorp to become canon.

The showrunners and cast did not like that. In fact, beloved members of the cast came under fire after openly bashing the ship and its followers during an interview. And while the cast members in question eventually gave a begrudging apology, the fact that Supercorp never became canon (the show ending as I write this) proves that they never seriously considered the fans' opinions.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.