10 Television Shows That Hated Their Own Fanbases

7. Lost - The Fans Made It Run Too Long

Supernatural Becky

Lost is often considered a bad show, but when it first began its potential was palpable and immediately people were sure it was going to be one of the best shows ever made. So what happened?

Well, the main problem with Lost was that it got, well, lost, in its end game. Around season three, the story progression seemingly halted and episode after episode became nonsensical filler for a story that seemed to have stopped progressing.

And I'm sorry to tell you, it was all your fault. No, not you specifically, the royal you. The fanbase. It was just too big!

Lost was planned from start to finish when it was originally pitched to networks, and it was only supposed to run for a few seasons, Twin Peaks style. But the network got greedy because they'd never seen a fanbase so massive. Lost was a literal cultural phenomenon!

So, all of a sudden, stories were having to be made to extend its run and there are only so many flashbacks you can pull out of your ass before you scrape the bottom of the toilet clean.

The creators to this day begrudge how they were pushed into extending the show. And let's be honest they are right to be, the fans were desperate for the series to keep going, but then got mad that it wasn't as good anymore and continue to s**t on it even now for the mess it became. Not the best fanbase really.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.