10 Terrible CGI Moments That Almost Ruined The Walking Dead

5. Close-Range RPG

By adapting the All Out War comic storyline for season 8, The Walking Dead dropped pretty much all pretences of being a serious show and properly embraced its B-Movie influences. While you can trace this shift across the past few seasons, nothing exemplified how much the series' believability had been stretched than Rosita blowing up a Saviour with a rocket launcher at point-blank range.

Even though the shot only lasts a few seconds, there's a lot to unpack in regards to just how daft it is. The CGI rocket that's fired already looks like it could have been taken from a straight-to-DVD Steven Seagal flick, but it's the jaw-dropping way the Saviour's body is pulled upwards by the blast that makes it look so cheesy.

The ridiculous CG sort of sold the cartoony violence in a humorous way, but by resorting to Wile E. Cayote tactics The Walking Dead shed every lingering tie to reality it had left.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3