10 Terrible CGI Moments That Almost Ruined The Walking Dead

4. The Invisible Possum

On paper, this head-scratching shot from season 5 should have been an easy moment to bring to life. Daryl hears a noise, thinks it's a walker, and turns around to see that it's only a scurrying animal. Job done, right? Proving they can completely mangle even the simplest beats of a script though, the execution of the scene, which ended up showing a semi-invisible CGI possum scaring our heroes, looks ridiculously amateur in motion.

It's such a small, inconsequential moment that should have been cut entirely, but, somehow, it ended up in the finished episode. While the CGI animal itself is hilarious, it's the completely unnatural way the bin falls over, obviously tugged by an off-screen stagehand, which makes the whole affair look shockingly cheap and downright embarrassing.

It's classic Walking Dead through and through though: an easy concept that ends up being executed in the most mind-numbingly botched way possible.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3