10 Terrible CGI Moments That Almost Ruined The Walking Dead

3. Hershel's Decapitation

One of the biggest deaths in the original run of the comic was Tyrese being beheaded by The Governor, a major event which was given to the equally-important Hershel in the show.

However, the decapitation fell flat, funnily enough, because of how two-dimensional the CGI wound made Hershel's head look, with his severed neck looking like a fan edit rather than a gruesome katana injury. At such a pivotal moment like this, the effect needed to match the shock of the audience, but in execution it only undercut it.

This instance of bad CGI is often overlooked because of how well shot - and emotional - the scene is otherwise, but under scrutiny it just doesn't hold up. The idea of the beheading not being a clean cut is straight from the comic, but it could have been shot in a way that didn't draw attention to the intrusive digital effects when it was adapted.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3