10 Terrifying Anime Villains That Gave You Nightmares

1. Shou Tucker - Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Parasyte Monster

If there's one character in all of anime universally hated it's Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist. Even the very sight of him causes fans to recoil.

Let's recap what he did real quick. Tucker irreparably fused his child with the family dog after previously doing the same with his wife to salvage his failing reputation, showing no remorse in destroying his family for personal benefit. He is the maddest of mad scientists.

Even the main villains of the series, while still bad, had some vaguely understandable reason for what the did. Tucker didn't, as no human would use their child and the love of their life as twisted science experiments to avoid becoming irrlevant. Yes, the body-count of every other villain is far greater, but it's the emotional impact of what he did that makes him so horrifying.

A parent is supposed to love their child and make them feel safe, not use them as a lab rat. It would be unfair to actual monsters to call him one. Shou Tucker makes Light Yagami look like a saint.

While barely having any screen-time, Tucker leaves a scar on viewers that refuses to go away. There are few moments more satisfying in either series than when his psychopathic head gets blown off.

Good riddance.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.