10 Terrifying Anime Villains That Gave You Nightmares

4. Jason - Tokyo Ghoul

Parasyte Monster
Viz Media

What sets Jason apart from the rest of the villains in the series is just how much of a traumatic impact he made on protagonist Kaneki.

From cutting off fingers and toes to shoving a giant centipede in his ear, Jason broke Kaneki to the point where his very identity fractured.

"Hurt people, hurt people" is a phrase often used to explain why people in pain lash out at those around them. Jason though didn't just want to hurt, he didn't even want to destroy. What he wanted was the pleasure of watching another person become just like him. He got off on it. The worst part? It worked.

After his torture session, Kaneki was never the same. Jason showed him first hand just how cruel the world can be causing him to completely give into his ghoul side. He swore he'd do whatever it took to protect his loved ones from that cruelty, and became willing to kill and cannibalize other ghouls to do just that.

In a way, by corrupting Kaneki, Jason cheated death living on in the psyche of his final victim. It resembles the relationship a lot of abuse victims have with their abuser by being forced to internalize toxic traits just to survive.

Jason somehow made Kaneki even more traumatized than he already was. That'd be an accomplishment if it wasn't so horrible.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.