10 Terrifying Secrets Hidden In Huge TV Shows

1. Watching Could Kill You - Black Mirror

The Office Toby Scranton Strangler

There aren't many TV series scarier than Black Mirror, for one specific reason. Every episode brings to the table a new and unique kind of hell, something akin to a dystopian future though set in the present, with usually some sort of technology at the center of the plot.

The scary thing is that almost every story feels as though they aren't too far outside the realms of what is realistic. Is it so farfetched to think we're not so far from the kind of social credit system that plagued Bryce Dallas Howard?

In Playtest, the writers dropped in something a little more fun, but still just as terrifying. The episode follows Cooper (Wyatt Russell), as he tests a new virtual reality horror game. While signing a contract before the test ever truly begins, there is a hidden message to audiences the majority of people will have missed. As the writers were aware enough that a certain portion of the audience would pause to actually read the contract themselves, they decided to play around with it.

If you were to pause the episode in just the right place, you would read on that contract that in pausing to read it, you would die unless you forwarded it to five people within 28 days. It was a play on the kind of chainmail you can't believe some people actually forward on, but if there was any show that would give you pause on this for at least a millisecond, it's Black Mirror. Who knows how many people did forward the message on just to be safe?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.