10 Terrifying Supernatural Monsters That Kept You Up At Night

3. The Girl In The Wall

Pishtaco Supernatural
The CW

Acclaimed as one of the scariest episodes of Supernatural, Family Remains introduced the Girl in the Wall as a new foe for the Winchester Brothers.

In the episode, Sam and Dean go to investigate the appearance of a young female ghost in an old abandoned house; however, things take a more macabre twist when it is revealed that the ghost is not a ghost but is instead a human girl. A girl whose tragic past has made her live inside the walls of this abandoned house for years.

What makes the Girl in the Wall scary is the idea of the ordinary and the placement of this character with the ordinary world. The placement of a character who can live inside the walls of a house gives the viewer the idea that something like this could very much happen to them in their home.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.