10 Things You Didn't Know About Sarah Michelle Gellar

2. She's A Call Of Duty Character

One of the maps in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation Map Pack is the zombie map called Call of The Dead. Treyarch - one of the development companies behind it - called the map "a unique zombies experience" and "a very special creation for all zombie fans". It was the first level to feature real celebrities fighting off zombies and features zombie movie legend George A. Romero as one of the undead. The premise behind the map is that it takes place in an abandoned part of the Siberian coast and centres on a shipwreck and a lighthouse. Four actors (Danny Trejo, Robert Englund, Michael Rooker and, of course, Sarah Michelle Gellar) are filming there when their director - the aforementioned Romero - is taken away by zombies. At that point, the four actors become playable characters who can be used to fend off zombies. Awesome.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.