10 Things Doctor Who Should Never Have Got Away With

7. The Doctor Plays Football

It€™s hard to imagine any of the Classic Series Doctors doing anything as ordinary as playing football. Cricket, yes. That€™s a game that dignified, posh men in trousers play. But the Doctor would never have slipped on a pair of shorts to have a kick about with some mates, any more than he would quote EastEnders or reference blogging. From 2005 onwards, however, this was increasingly who he became. Gone were references to Beau Brummel and Madame Nostradamus and in came quoting The Lion King. Nevertheless, 2010€™s The Lodger takes things to extremes. Writer Gareth Roberts gives us an Eleventh Doctor who headbutts people, struts around naked, takes telesales calls and, yes, is pretty damned good at footie. This version of the Doctor is enough to put off any sport-phobic child but somehow it fits Matt Smith€™s portrayal, and not just because the actor himself played for Nottingham Forest youth team. The Doctor is always an outsider, a jigsaw piece that doesn€™t quite fit. When he€™s in his element sampling the wine cellar in Day of the Daleks (1972) or bowling out the toffs in Black Orchid (1982), it seems a bit contradictory. However, when he participates in the ultimate expression of €œfitting in€, the beautiful game, he manages to do it as an outsider, confusing his teammates even further during the post-match banter by rushing off to fix a time loop. Brilliant.
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I teach literature of all types but when I write, it tends to involve "Doctor Who". My fiction can be found in unofficial anthology "Seasons of War"; my non-fiction in the "You and Who" books as well as the forthcoming "Hating to Love" and "Blake's Heaven".