10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Game Of Thrones

4. Targaryens Are Immune To Fire


Despite the method by which everyone's favourite 'beggar king' was dispatched, many fans are still under the impression that Targaryens are immune to the effects of fire. This misconception came about due to Daenerys surviving the roaring bonfire that resulted in the hatching of her dragon eggs. However, Daenerys did not survive this simply due to being a Targaryen. The event was a totally unprecedented miracle, probably powered by blood magic. In fact, death from extreme heat or fire has been a common theme in Targaryen history. As well as Viserys' molten crown, major members of the Targaryen family have died by anything from house fires to drinking wildfire. While Targaryens may have a higher-than-average tolerance to heat, there is nothing to suggest that they are totally fireproof.


Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.