10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Doctor Who
8. Love & Monsters Isn't THAT Bad

Love & Monsters isn't the worst Doctor Who episode of all time, and it's not even the worst episode in its series. So why is it loathed by such a large portion of the fandom? Why can't they accept that it's an ambitious and genuinely moving bit of television drama? Could it be that fans saw Love & Monsters as a criticism, rather than a celebration, of intense fandom?
Well, the truth is that most people judge the episode on its truly awful final ten minutes consisting of a rubbish alien in a disturbingly small loincloth running round some manky back alleys in broad daylight. Yes indeed, these final minutes are truly, truly awful – but the rest isn't so bad at all.

Love & Monsters is ultimately a story about loneliness, whether it's Jackie being left alone by Rose, or the various members of LINDA finding each other. The fact that LINDA reflects many of the local Doctor Who groups that flourished during the show's wilderness years is deliberate – RTD is telling the story of how groups with a shared interest can ultimately be torn apart by someone who takes it all too seriously.
We've all been in a group chat with someone who takes every joke literally, or had to endure replies on social media about why our opinions on Doctor Who are wrong, wrong, wrong!
Far from being the worst that Doctor Who has to offer, Love & Monsters is actually more relevant than ever in 2025.