10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Doctor Who

2. Doctor Who NEEDS The Daleks

Doctor Who Series 3 Tenth Doctor Martha Jones
BBC Studios

The month is December and the year is 1963. After an atmospheric and intriguing first episode, the BBC's new flagship family sci-fi show had literally devolved, as jobbing actors shuffled around the studio in furs, grunting and groaning at William Hartnell and the cast.

A week later and a menacing sink plunger changed everything, as Terry Nation's Daleks captured the hearts and minds of a generation of children.

Doctor Who and the Daleks are intrinsically linked, and they always should be. As much as us fans complain about their overexposure, it's hard to deny their immense popularity. The general public may not know who the new companion is, but they can identify a Dalek with ease. There's a reason why their return was saved for a mid-series bump back in 2005, and again in 2007. There's a reason they've been in so many series finales and series openers, and there's a reason why they've had cameos in so many movies and TV shows outside of Doctor Who.

Chris Chibnall also understood the popularity and importance of the Daleks, and gave a hungover New Year's Day audience three mini Dalek movies in a row, ensuring a moderate bump in interest from the casual viewers at home.

Nobody wants the Daleks to be the villains every single week, but when deployed properly, they can have a powerful effect on Doctor Who's public profile. It's been years since we last saw them, so it's about time they were brought back once again.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.