10 Things Only Inbetweeners Fans Understand

8. You Don't Need Fake ID: Just Wear A Hat

We€™ve all done it. Stood nervously outside the off license, a tenner getting soaked through in our sweaty palm as we try to work up the courage to go inside. When eventually pushed through the door by our impatient mates, any hint of confidence we had dissolves as rows and rows of alcohol bottles - nectar to the 17 year old palate €“ unfold before us, in the middle of which stands a counter staffed by the meanest, most uncompromising-looking woman ever.

Suddenly your legs give way, your head starts spinning, your voice retreats to that of a 10 year old and you squeak out the line: "ten cans of lager and a packet of Benson & Hedges, please". Then it happens. The worst, most soul-destroying sentence anyone can ever say to a teenager: "can I see your ID, please?". Mission over. Another terrible failure.

Luckily, however, The Inbetweeners cracked the code to the booze-sodden palace. Want serving? Simply dress up as a 1950s salesman replete with baggy suit, fedora and horn-rimmed spectacles and the lager will flow faster than you can say "do you sell dry roasted peanuts?€.


Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.