10 Things Only Inbetweeners Fans Understand

6. Mr. Gilbert Is Our Spiritual Father Figure

There€™s always one teacher who, while terrifying, becomes the spiritual father of every student he ever encounters. In The Inbetweeners, that figure is Mr. Gilbert, the head of sixth form at Rudge Park Comprehensive, whose principle task €“ to steward these fledgling suburban children through to adulthood without anything disastrous happening along the way €“ is performed with equal parts misery, sarcasm and passion. Yes, passion. For while Mr. Gilbert€™s two main modes of conduct €“ sadistic and disappointed €“ form the lion€™s share of his approach to teaching, he none the less sticks by the side of even the most hopeless lost causes as they muddle their way through adolescence, intent that each of them should leave school with at least one half-decent A level. So despite Will long being Mr. Gilbert's favourite depository for a verbal battering, when the young student's bowels fail him during an exam, it's the talismanic teacher who, disgust plastered all over his face, steers him to the toilet with a firm, reassuring hand on the shoulder.

Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.