Ah, the class liar. That grandiose king of spin who sits at the head of the common room holding court about his exploits. The famous girlfriends and wealthy relations; the childhood spent on a beach in Goa and his future as CEO of his Dads multinational corporation. For in every sixth form in the country, theres one kid who has decided to reject the crushing disappointment of reality and disappear into a world where anythings possible, where knowing that something is false doesnt mean you shouldnt believe that its true. While this is possibly a serious personality disorder, its also rather beautiful in its way. Meet Jay, a 16 year old whose lies range from the outrageous to the sublime. On women? "I just organised a threesome with a top lezza model". On careers? "Just got a modelling job, had to fly to Paris". On travel? "On holiday in Spain one year, me and my mate took a pedalo and went to Africa". Believable? Not a chance. Brilliant? Always.