10 Things RTD's Return WON'T Bring To Doctor Who

8. Toning Down the "Politics"

Doctor Who David Tennant
Channel 4

Doctor Who's too political these days, they cry! It's too woke! The political messaging is too on-the-nose!

There's not the word count to list all the political elements of the show's past, but look at some of Russell T Davies' previous work. World War Three has villainous aliens engineer a war from inside Downing Street to get their hands on precious minerals whilst talking of "weapons of massive destruction". His most recent work, It's A Sin, resonated so strongly last year, reframing the AIDS "crisis" as what it was; a pandemic that killed too many young people due to government and societal indifference.

Whilst it might be more nuanced than some of the episodes in the Chibnall era, the RTD2 era won't shy away from using Doctor Who to reflect the issues that affect us today. It's what the series has arguably done from it's very beginning. The political subtext is going nowhere with Russell T Davies at the helm. Didn't anyone watch Years and Years?

It'll be interesting to see what issues the new series will tackle. The Long Game already tackled fake news, whilst The Sontaran Stratagem dealt with smart speakers. Whatever they are, he's not short of material in the current climate!


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.