10 Things Sons Of Anarchy Gets Right About Bikers

8. The Brotherhood

Well, another thing Sons Of Anarchy apparently gets right is the sense of brotherhood between the members of an outlaw motorcycle club. The members of SAMCRO are fiercely loyal to each other in the same way that actual gangs are, and just like in the show they treat their fellow gang members like they were family. Which also means that they tend to be pretty down on anyone who turns rat and starts feeding information to the Feds, something else which has come up a couple of times on the show (and lead to some of the nastiest moments in its run so far). So that's all pretty realistic, too. Some of the conflicts that come up because of those relationships is also fairly accurate, as members of motorcycle gangs do have changes in priority when they get older, sick, or their priorities change. Opie's indecision about whether to stick with the gang in the first season - after leaving prison - or to avoid dodgy activities and stick with his family. Of course that gets sorted for him, but we don't wanna think about that any more because we'll get sad. Just as it was in Sons Of Anarchy it's a difficult process trying to separate from a group you were previously so close to, and sometimes ends in tragedy...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/