10 Things That Date Friends Terribly
2. Using "The Internet" As A Catch-All Term
Thankfully for fans of the show, a lot of episodes and stories were future-proofed by a total lack of reliance on technology. With the exception of Chandler showing off an early tablet computer with "built-in spreadsheet capability", there's almost no instances of a character gleefully boasting of some sort of newfangled wizardry that, 15 years later, makes them look like the proverbial caveman waving a flaming stick in the air.
However, the emergence of the internet during the late '90s was something the show simply couldn't ignore, and as the world took its first tentative steps online, so did the Friends. However there was almost no mention of specific websites or what they were actually doing online, just a reference to "the internet" as some sort of all powerful thing where Ross can organise a fake memorial service for himself and Chandler can inexplicably get back together with Janice.
Friends in the age of mass social networking wouldn't have been very good, but can you imagine the sort of adventures Joey would have gotten up to with the female population of New York had he had Tinder at his disposal.