10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

4. The Statue Of Liberty Could Take Over The World (The Angels Take Manhattan)

Doctor Who The Angels Take Manhattan Rory Statue Of Liberty
BBC Studios

Weeping Angels creator Steven Moffat has received a ton of flack for making their lore more and more complicated, and though the iconic statues are among the show's most entertaining villains, it does feel like they were at their best in Blink, when they were stripped back, simple, and scarily effective.

One particular development that irks many fans is the whole "an image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel" thing, first mentioned in Series 5's The Time Of Angels.

This means that drawings, photographs, and video clips of Angels aren't just basic images - they're real Angels, and they can leap out of the frame and attack you.

A lot has been said about how this retroactively created problems with Blink's ending, which shows that Sally Sparrow has several images of Angels in her possession. But the real doozy here is the fact that the Statue Of Liberty - which, in The Angels Take Manhattan, is revealed to be an Angel - is a worldwide icon, appearing on postcards, shirts, mugs, and lunchboxes around the globe.

So, if all these images can turn into Angels, then shouldn't the Earth be under attack from millions of pieces of Liberty merch?

Maybe Moffat forgot to address this or maybe he just didn't care, but either way, "Lady Liberty Conquers The World" sounds like a kick-ass idea for an episode.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.