10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

2. Everything About The Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who The Angels Take Manhattan Rory Statue Of Liberty

The sonic screwdriver began life as a humble device with limited functions. Hell, early in the show, it was just that - a screwdriver - and the Doctor never relied on it too much throughout the course of his adventures.

Over time though, the sonic has evolved into an all-encompassing plot device that essentially does what the writers need it to, with no explanation necessary for its endless array of outlandish, bizarre functions.

It can fire off energy, it can turn regular glasses into sunglasses, it can blow things up, it can disarm people who are holding guns, and it even has a built-in pen.

Fans don't tend to complain about this one because it's now expected that the sonic can just do stuff, and we aren't complaining either. We love the sonic. It's great! But you can't deny that every last shred of its logic and reason has been tossed out the window over the last 20 years.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.