10 Things That Would Make Doctor Who Better

4. Cast More People Of Colour

Series 8 had more people of colour compared to the Matt Smith episodes, but there is always room for improvement. Again, with all of time and space, different cultures should be consistently represented. Having Danny Pink as a recurring character was a start but when looking over the history of the show, the Ninth and Tenth Doctor episodes did a better job at diverse characters. That's not to say the casting was some ideal, but the show would improve if it more accurately depicted the Earth. London alone, as the show is fond of visiting, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. In the new Doctor Who comics, published by Titan, the Tenth Doctor's companion is a Latina woman named Gabriela and the Eleventh Doctor travels with a black woman named Alice. These characters are not presented in a €œLook how inclusive and different we're being!€ sort of way, either. The comics are not asking for a diversity cookie or gold star - Gabriela and Alice are complex, well-written characters who exist just as they are, and there is no reason why the show can't do the same.
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Doctor Who
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Sara Habein is the author of INFINITE DISPOSABLE. She is a staff writer for Persephone Magazine, and the editor of the Word Riot blog. Her Doctor is number Eight, but the Twelfth is right behind.