10 Things The Walking Dead Wishes It Could’ve Done Differently

Honorable Mention: All Of The Swearing Being Cut

Walking Dead Season 4 Rick !*$% Wrong People

I've never fully understood the deal with swearing on American TV shows. In the UK, pretty much anything is fair game after 9pm, and it's always felt jarring that a show like The Walking Dead can feature so many dark plots, twisted images, and children literally killing children, but not an f-bomb (until recently, anyway).

It's especially confusing because AMC is a cable channel, and therefore swearing wouldn't break any laws, but they've been hesitant to allow The Walking Dead to use any f-bombs in order to keep advertisers happy and maximise the profits from the global show. They weren't even allowed the single 'f**k' Breaking Bad was awarded per season.

This wasn't a problem for the most part, but it did mean some key moments from the comic fell flat when they were translated over. For instance, Season 4 ends on Rick embracing his brutal side, and after him and his group are trapped by a bunch of cannibals, he informs his friends that they're "screwing with the wrong people".

In the show it comes across flat, and that's because originally it was scripted as 'f*****g', not 'screwing'. That's just one example, but the swearing ban also led to one of Negan's key characteristics being gutted as well.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3