10 Things The Walking Dead Wishes It Could’ve Done Differently
5. Morgan And Rick's Flip-Flopping Morals

The Walking Dead has always had a problem with characterisation, and that's primarily because the story always influences how the characters behave, rather than the characters' behaviour influencing the story. No two have suffered more than Rick and Morgan though, who essentially had two versions of who they were each that the writers flip-flopped between depending on the theme of the season.
Rick gives up his brutal 'Ricktatorship' way of life to become a pacifist farmer, only to go through some trauma and then decide no, everyone needs to die and nobody can be trusted, about 5 times over the course of the show.
Part of the hero's appeal is that his morals are always coming into question as he straddles the line between what's justified and what isn't in this world, but in the show that pretty much devolved into having a 'Good Rick' and a 'Bad Rick' that the writers would wheel out, rather than one nuanced character.
Morgan suffered the same fate, only worse because he got even less screen-time to be explored. His flip-flopping was more extreme as well, going from literally being a pacifist monk to the Terminator at a moment's notice.