10 Things The Walking Dead Wishes It Could’ve Done Differently
4. Glenn's Dumpster Diving

For the most part, Season 6 was a bloody good year for the show. It wasn't as good as 5, but the build up to No Way Out and the introduction of the Saviors kept the action coming thick and fast, with inventive set-pieces masking over the occasional leap in logic found in a few eps.
One leap that no amount of gore could stop from being as dumb as it was, though, was the apparent 'death' of Glenn. In a genuine surprise, an early episode sees the beloved hero trapped on top of a dumpster with frenemy Nicholas, before falling and becoming zombie chow.
It was the kind of genuine, gut-wrenching surprise that many critics didn't think The Walking Dead could conjure up any more. Sadly, they were bang on the money.
That's because a few episodes later - despite being eaten alive - it was revealed that Glenn was alive and well, having used Nicholas' body as a shield and crawled under the dumpster to victory.
It was the kind of fake-out the writers, to their credit, had mostly avoided before, and felt like nothing more than an obvious ratings draw which soured the show's reputation.