10 Things We Learned From Season 1 Of Ash Vs. Evil Dead

9. CGI Must Be Used Sparingly

Horror fans tend to have champagne taste on a beer budget, but you can't blame them for wanting the most out of their favourite properties, even when the budget doesn't really allow for it. The Evil Dead films, and Sam Raimi in particular, have long been known for using practical effects and props, and there's plenty of that on display in Ash vs. Evil Dead. However, with a television budget and production schedule, the use of CGI has been ramped up more than ever before in the Evil Dead universe. It's not surprising, and perfectly understandable - in fact, the amount of effects that have remained practical (props, make-up, and fake blood) is admirable. CGI has filled in the gaps when practical effects were either too costly or impractical. Still, that CGI needs to be used as sparingly as possible, as at least a couple of times during the season, it became distracting. Most notably with the skeleton on fire shot pictured above, but in several other scenes as well. When in doubt, go practical if at all possible is the lesson learned.

Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.