10 Things We Learned From Twin Peaks: The Return Part 10
3. What Is Diane's Game?
Perhaps '10 Questions We Have Following Twin Peaks: The Return Part X' would be a more fitting title for these weekly recaps, given the countless mysteries generated.
The motivations of Diane Evans and the machinations of her character arc are utterly inscrutable. In another riveting exchange between Gordon Cole and Albert Rosenfield - preceded, strangely, by Laura Palmer's face superimposed over the hotel hallway in a moment that seemed as much as it was David Lynch in there as it was Cole - Albert revealed to Cole the nature of the text message received, it would seem on the surface, from Mr. C ("AROUND THE CONVERSATION, THE DINNER TABLE IS LIVELY"). Tammie traced it from a server in Mexico. Technological manipulations from a man capable of shutting down prison systems with a telephone, or interference from a missing Special Agent based in South America?
Dern's phenomenally acted exchange with Mr. C in Part 7 leans towards an affiliation with Jeffries. It felt so authentic and profoundly moving that it would be a damn manipulative shame, if it was an act orchestrated by Mr. C in order to insidiously place Diane into the FBI as a mole. That much was suggested by Cole. Something about her embrace felt off to him.
Tammie entered the scene to reveal that Mr. C's image had been recovered from a camera in the New York penthouse. He was stood next to a bald mad scientist type, one of whom, presumably, is the anonymous billionaire. No remaining members of the cast list marry up to his face. Of course they don't.