10 Things You Didn't Know About Bart Simpson

1. In 1998, Time Magazine Named Him One Of The Most Influential People Of The Century

What do Bill Gates, Adolf Hitler, Ghandi, Pope John Paul II, and Oprah have in common with Bart Simpson? It's certainly isn't their personalities, demeanor, or skin tone. No, what these five people (and ninety-four others) have in common with Bart is that they were all named as one of the most influential people of the 20th century by none other than Time Magazine. You're not reading that incorrectly, Time Magazine had declared Bart to be an important enough figure to be ranked alongside Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, and Albert Einstein as an influential 20th century icon. The only fictional character to make Time's list, Bart's inclusion was justified by declaring him (and the rest of the Simpsons) as being the first show to blend social satire and animation in a new and unique way. Just to emphasise how big of an achievement this was, Time Magazine chose a yellow cartoon character who is famous for being a thorn in everyone's side whereas the King of rock and roll himself, Elvis Presley, missed out on a spot on the list. Do you love Bart Simpson? Know any other little known facts? Share yours below in the comments thread.
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The Simpsons
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