10 Things You Didn't Know About Bart Simpson

6. He€™s Skilled At A Lot Of Random Things

Bart has repeatedly demonstrated that what he lacks in book-smarts, he overcompensates with his street-smarts. But throughout the twenty eight years he's been on TV, Bart has actually shown himself to be quite intelligent in various other areas besides pranks. Showing that musical talent isn't restricted to just Lisa, Bart was shown to be a skilled drummer until he got injured. Bart has also shown considerable athletic ability, such as when he played ice hockey and when he took up ballet (and was brilliant at it). Bart's talent extends to more random things, such as his considerable aptitude at handling firearms, his impressive ability to drive and operate similar sized machinery despite being only ten years old, and some impressive cooking skills when he cooked a three-course dinner for Homer and Marge. Despite showing instances of great intelligence, it is implied that Bart prefers to live life as a dimwit than a high-achiever because he does not wish to be unhappy most of the time like Lisa. But whilst he has shown himself to be smarter than he looks, the most definitive example of Bart's intelligence is outlined in the next entry...
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The Simpsons
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