10 Things You Didn't Know About Bart Simpson

5. He Is Fluent In Several Languages

For all his expertise and exceptional skill in a heap of random activities, Bart's unexpected intelligence is probably best demonstrated by his surprising natural ability to speak several languages. On numerous occasions, Bart has demonstrated an uncanny ability to learn new languages in a short space of time. Bart learned to speak French after an unpleasant exchange trip to France and has demonstrated a near-perfect ability to do so; he learned Spanish in a few hours in preparation for a family trip to Brazil (before being told to quickly forget it all when Homer learned that Brazilians spoke Portuguese instead of Spanish); he (and Homer) learned Japanese after spending a few hours in a Japanese jail; and he's shown that he can speak Cantonese and Latin. Bart's linguistic skills are most likely inherited from his father as Homer himself has shown considerable aptitude at speaking advanced languages (which penguin for some reason). There is actually more as to why Bart is able to speak perfect French than just being Homer's son or from a single trip to France...
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The Simpsons
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