10 Things You Learn Rewatching Stargate SG-1

8. Hold To The Themes

Stargate SG-1

The central theme of 1994's Stargate was stepping into the past and future at the same time. That what lies behind us can inform what lies before us. By stepping through the Stargate itself, Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neil saw a world steeped in the ancient mythology of our own world, living under the tyranny of an all-powerful God-like figure.

Now while Stargate SG-1 took a much more light-hearted approach to its presentation, the subject matter remained the same. Technology and progress are out there, but they have to be fought for against those who'd use them to dominate and oppress. The Goa'uld and later the Ori of the main series kept humans locked in servitude with their advanced technology and their brutal caste systems.

While SG-1 had many sub-themes and tangents, the central theme of the original movie remained. Freedom and progress won through courage. Lift up those would be free, help them stand and they will stand with you. This never changed, even to the last moments of SG-1's follow up movie 'Ark Of Truth', where a devout Ori commander was willing to help free his people from oppression of the Gods he'd worshipped.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'