10 Things You Learn Rewatching Stargate SG-1

5. Keep It Personal

Stargate SG-1

Even though the main storylines of SG-1 involve the overthrow of galactic empires, ancient beings that have ascended past the mortal form and the freedom of enslaved peoples, some of the best episodes are about the people of the SGC. Daniel Jackson joins the team in order to search for his wife, Jack is also looking for Skaa'ra, Teal'c has to look out for his family and every man who shows an interest in Sam ends up dead. Apart from Pete.

Despite the threat that the Goa'uld and the Replicators and the Ori pose to the galaxy, the series always found time to make us remember that we care about these people. When Sam Carter is stuck on the Prometheus for several days in 'Grace' she has to re-evaluate what is good for her. When he is being pursued by a Kull Warrior in 'Death Knell', we know that she'll do whatever she can to survive.

By keeping it focussed on the characters, the drama beyond manages to become a frame to the people, not the other way around.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'