10 Things You Learn Rewatching Stargate SG-1

4. Keep It Light

Stargate SG-1

Humour is a glue that most people overlook when it comes to shows outside of the comedy genre. While Friends, Fraiser and How I Met Your Mother rely on quick-fire humour, Stargate SG-1 was no stranger to having a light-hearted tone. The middle of a fire-fight isn't the best place for it, so that was fortunately kept to a minimum, but the rest of the time... keep it light.

Memorable humorous episodes include 'Urgo', whose loveable dim-witted charm was both desperate to please and kind of effortless. 'Window of Opportunity' managed to turn on a dime, at first the slightly tired trope of Groundhog Day, then easily capturing the charm and humour of Groundhog Day, then managing to work in that serious undertone of loneliness... that Groundhog Day managed. Alright, that episode was just Groundhog Day.

So yes, keep it light. Keep some humour in there, keep the occasional reference to how much Cameron loves roast beef, keep in that Jack loves Mary Steenburgen. Audiences turn up to watch something for the first time for the drama, but they return because they enjoyed it and humour is easier on the re-watch than drama.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'