10 Things You Learn Rewatching Stargate SG-1

3. A Few Less Worlds, More Return Visits

Stargate SG-1

Throughout the ten seasons of the show, we visit a staggering one hundred and sixty worlds, but many of them are 'generic forest planet'. We only see a handful of worlds more than once, namely Chulak, Tollana (before it's destruction) and Cimmeria (a whole twice). Might it have been a better idea to trim down the number of planets that we go to and perhaps spend more time on each of them, to build a better audience relationship with them?

While the episodic nature of the show meant that there was essentially a moral crisis of the week, many of these could have been put on the same world. For example, in season 4 episode 'Scorched Earth', SG-1 have to protect the Enkarans and negotiate a truce with an automated spaceship that is trying to terraform the planet.

The Enkarans warranted a brief mention a few episodes before to set up this episode, but couldn't have an earlier episode have focussed on them as well? Perhaps how we first learn as to why they needed to be relocated in the first place?

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'