10 Things You Only Notice Rewatching Seinfeld

1. Kal's Signs (A Homage To The Star's Father)

Seinfeld Kal's Signs

We told you that Jerry would be mentioned once again in reference to a paternal problem. Perhaps the wording was somewhat misconstructed, as it's not so much a problem as it is an endearing tribute. One that was completely missed by most viewers, and even if it wasn't, without some form of context, there is likely not a single soul who would've spotted this Easter egg. Definitely not the first time of airing, anyway.

The reference of reverence is an extremely subtle blink and you'll miss it scenario. In one episode, as the trio of Jerry, Kramer and Elaine are walking down a street, a sign can be seen in the background which reads "Kal's Signs" (amongst other things). This sign is a secret ode to Jerry Seinfeld's real-life father, who, believe it or not, worked as a sign maker for the majority of his professional life.

It's strange that in such a transgressive, standoffish show such as Seinfeld, where the no hugging, no learning deplorability of its leads are the reason that everybody tuned in from week to week, would contain a beautiful gesture from the star to the person that gifted him to the world. A lovely sentiment, from the future - in universe - convict.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com