10 Things You Only Notice Rewatching Seinfeld

2. Hold The Applause

Seinfeld Kal's Signs

For a while, being filmed in front of a live audience actually plagued the Seinfeld structure and caused some rift between the crowd, cast and co-creators, as every single time Kramer would appear on-screen - around the fourth and fifth seasons - the level of aplomb and applause would be too enthusiastic for his beloved character that it would actually interfere with the filming structure.

After a short while of this becoming a recurring instance and the cast growing tired of the tedium that it accrued, it wasn't long before the live studio audience was subdued to a degree. The audience was then being scrapped entirely in consideration of the actors on set who may have been thrown off by the overwhelming distraction of clapping hands.

Despite the reception being a dream come true for the producers, in theory, in practicality it became too overbearing to the point of the crew of Seinfeld constantly having to tell the audience members to lower the decibels of their volume on a regular basis.

This is a shame when you consider the fact that Michael Richards could probably do with those laughs right now after his unfortunate meltdown in 2006.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com