10 Things You Only Notice Rewatching Seinfeld

7. Cosmo Kessler?

Seinfeld Kal's Signs

For those tuning in week in, week out at the time, it's unbelievable to think Seinfeld's pilot aired 33 years ago as of this writing. Not only was the show's key quartet not complete in that first outing - more on that later - but certain details about those characters were also out of sync.

Obviously, whenever a new show came onto the air, there was always things to tweak in the process. Consider looking back at the first seasons of The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead and Family Guy and you'll see just how prominent this trend was for this era of television, and Seinfeld was no exception to this rule.

In the initial episode, Jerry and George are mostly intact, somewhat unsynchronised with one another and, in all honesty, rather boring compared to the personalities they would develop further down the line. But, at least they named them correctly.

Cosmo Kramer - or Kessler - based on this first episode's iteration of the quirky, neurotic but lovable weirdo, was not the man he was for the remaining eight seasons. Simply known as Kessler in the beginning, Kramer would go on to solidify himself as the K-Man, but few seem to recall that the K once stood for something else entirely.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com