10 Things You Only Notice Rewatching Seinfeld

5. Seinfeld Begins And Ends With A Conversation About Buttons

Seinfeld Kal's Signs

In one of the most eccentric uses of continuity - which for Seinfeld isn't a surprise in the slightest - the first ever conversation in the diner between Jerry and George revolves heavily around the buttons on their shirts, and this detail on its own seems fairly disposable, that is until after analysing the series, and realising that their last ever conversation in the prison cell is the exact same. As the show imbues the age-old method of ending where it began, highlighting the mundanity and minutiae that everyday life, and to an extent, even the tedium of incarceration, can be quite special. Not that we're encouraging anyone to get arrested.

Admittedly, despite the title being "10 Things You Only Notice Rewatching Seinfeld", you would most definitely be forgiven for missing such a minute detail each and every time you rewatch the series. As with a franchise that contains 180 episodes - meaning there's an abundance of 178 in between the former and latter - that amalgamates to a fair few hours, if not days.

If this proves anything though, it's that Seinfeld's moniker of being a show about nothing is wholly proven by this segment that was clearly inspired by the dreariness of day-to-day life. It's almost poetic, really.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com