10 Things You Somehow Missed In Teen Wolf

8. It’s All In The Eyes

Teen Wolf MTV

In the series, canine shifters (werewolves and werecoyotes) can have three eye colors – yellow gold, icy blue, or an intimidating red. Gold is the most common eye color among werewolves, as it is the original eye color of every canine shapeshifter whether they are born a shifter or bitten. However, once a werewolf takes an innocent life, its eyes change to blue. When a werewolf reaches alpha status, its eyes will glow red.

The only two characters in the series to have all three eye colors are Derek Hale and his uncle Peter Hale.

Peter had gold as a young Beta werewolf, blue eyes after his first innocent kill, and red eyes as an Alpha. His eyes also turned blue again when he came back to life in Season Two.

Derek Hale had the most eye color changes in the series. He had gold eyes as a teenager, his eyes turned blue when he mercy-killed his girlfriend Paige after she was bitten by his uncle, and his eyes changed to red when he became an alpha of the Hale Pack by killing Peter. Derek's eyes turned back blue when he donated his alpha spark to save his sister Cora’s life. Finally, during Derek’s final transition period, where he gained the ability to shift into full wolf form, his eyes turned gold again before returning to blue when his evolution ended.

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Student of history, art, and culture. Collector of all things sci-fi and fantasy. You may spot her enjoying friendly debates with family and friends about the latest movies and TV shows, traveling to scenic locations to find inspiration for her stories, or penning her debut novel.