10 Things You Somehow Missed In Teen Wolf

7. Sound Effects

Teen Wolf MTV

Where supernatural creatures are found, a panoply of sounds (terrified shrieks, guttural growls, and feral howls) are sure to follow. Teen Wolf is no exception, although a few of the series’ sounds have surprising origins.

The banshee screams are the work of actress Holland Roden, who played Lydia Martin on the show. However, during the early seasons of the show the actress stripped her vocal cords. Therefore, since Season 3B Roden has pretended to scream and the show’s editing team filled in the noises from a bank of her pre-recorded screams.

Shockingly, the wolf growls heard on the show are not made by wolves at all; the growling sound effects are generated by using gorilla noises. While on set, Tyler Posey performed real growls, whereas Tyler Hoechlin just hissed. Either way, the actors playing Scott McCall and Derek Hale made the sound effects seem as if they were emanating from their own vocal cords.

Teen Wolf’s behind the scenes team mastered the art of using unconventional methods to give viewers a unique auditory flavor that helped distinguish the series.

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Student of history, art, and culture. Collector of all things sci-fi and fantasy. You may spot her enjoying friendly debates with family and friends about the latest movies and TV shows, traveling to scenic locations to find inspiration for her stories, or penning her debut novel.