10 Things You're Guaranteed To See At A Doctor Who Convention

1. The Doctor Himself

Being the Doctor is basically guaranteed employment for life. No matter how long it's been since you handed in your TARDIS key, if you've played the world's favorite Time Lord, you're bound to get asked to do DVD commentaries, or interviews about the new actors and crew. You'll reprise your role with old co stars in Big Finish audios dramas, and most crucially; you'll get invited to the conventions. Bottom line, if you go to a Doctor Who convention that doesn't play host to at least one of the Doctors... you've been mugged off. Thankfully, both the "classic" and modern Doctors are played by such lovely people, who are so passionate about their time on the show, they never seem to mind coming along to conventions and answering the same questions, posing for photos, and signing mountains of merchandise. But of course they're all good guys. They are the Doctor, after all. What else do you always spot at Doctor Who conventions?
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Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.