10 Times Actors Broke Character In TV Shows

7. Phil Dunster - Ted Lasso

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In Ted Lasso's season three episode "(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea," Roy (Brett Goldstein) is even more angry than usual due to his recent breakup with Keeley (Juno Temple), and flips his lid when reporter Trent Crimm (James Lance) visits the locker room to get material for his book on AFC Richmond.

Roy shouts at his teammates, imploring them not to speak to Crimm, before storming out of the locker room. But keep your eyes fixed on Jamie (Phil Dunster) throughout the scene, and you'll see him failing to keep a straight face unlike his co-stars.

Phil Dunster can be seen creasing up throughout the rant, no matter that Roy's tirade is supposed to have struck fear into the hearts of the entire locker room. 

Note the serious faces of everyone else in the scene, except Dunster, who evidently couldn't stop himself from letting out a beaming smile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.