10 Times Doctor Who Accidentally Predicted Our Future

8. NFTs

Doctor Who Tenth Planet Cybermen

Douglas Adams had a galaxy-sized brain, stuffed full of bold sci-fi concepts and comic wit. It's unsurprising that he essentially, and entirely accidentally, predicted the current craze for Non-Fungible Tokens. Which even sounds like a race of Doctor Who monsters.

After all, what is Count Scarlioni's ingenious Mona Lisa scheme but a high-stakes NFT scam? Like an NFT, the buyers of the Count's Mona Lisa duplicates have paid a large amount of money for something that is actually easily duplicated. If you've been splintered across time and have dragged Leonardo Da Vinci into your grand plan, that is.

Of course, City of Death is a satire on the art world. If time travel can allow you to duplicate invaluable artworks, then do they really have any value? Also, what's the point in spending obscene amounts of money just to "own" something that should be enjoyed in a gallery?

The NFT situation is the logical next step of this for the digital era, and feels like some elaborate satire of the art world. The obscene investments in Bored Ape would've amused Douglas Adams if he were alive today.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.