10 Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows - Commenter Edition

9. Mr. Bean

Rick and Morty Doctor Who reference

Mr. Bean star Rowan Atkinson famously played an elseworlds version of the Doctor in Steven Moffat's 1999 charity spoof The Curse of Fatal Death, but that wasn't the first time the comedy legend had crossed paths with Doctor Who.

Seven years earlier, the bumbling Bean got his very own Christmas special titled Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean, in which he ventures into town for a spot of Christmas shopping. But of course, he ends up causing a fair bit of havoc along the way.

His first mischievous act is to smash some baubles on the floor by playing with them like bouncy balls, which he then follows up by meddling with the store's miniature nativity scene. Not exactly keeping with tradition, Bean introduces various different toys to the scene, including a group of soldiers, a dinosaur, and, eventually, a rather chunky Dalek, which Bean uses to blow a small lamb to smithereens.

We've seen the Daleks do some pretty heinous stuff on Doctor Who, but almost murdering Jesus in the crib? That's got to be their new evil gold standard.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.